Vol 16 No 3 (2022)

Review Article(s)

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 546 | views: 1404 | pages: 208-213

    High-tone external muscle stimulation (HTEMS) or high-tone therapy is a new type of electrotherapy. Unlike the conventional electrotherapy that uses a fixed frequency, in HTEMS, the frequency and amplitude are simultaneously modulated, delivering much higher energy into the tissues. Recently, considerable attention has been paid to applying high-tone therapy in managing different disorders. This systematic study, therefore, was set out to assess the effect of high-tone therapy in various neuro-musculoskeletal disorders. After an exclusive search in databases of PubMed, Scopus, and Google Scholar, seven relevant studies were selected, including 3 studies for low back pain, 2 studies for peripheral neuropathy, 1 study in multiple sclerosis patients, and 1 preprint study on the subjects with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. PEDro (the physiotherapy evidence database) scale was used to assess the quality of the included articles. Although the studies reported that high-tone therapy significantly improved signs and symptoms, the low number and poor methodological quality of included studies do not allow determining certain effectiveness of HTEMS, and it could be an important reason for performing more research in the future.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 446 | views: 602 | pages: 214-221

    Introduction: Concerns about the increasing prevalence of myopia are because of its rising ocular complications, which in some cases could lead to blindness. Therefore, all practitioners should know the latest updates on myopia control in routine practice.
    Materials and Methods: PubMed, Science Direct, and Google Scholar databases were searched for related scientific articles using search keywords. In this regard, the books and articles published from 2016 to June 2021 were included. The selected articles and valid scientific resources were collected, summarized, classified, evaluated, and finally concluded by the authors.
    Results: The results of the latest published papers for the prevention of myopia progression can be summarized as follows: choroidal blood supply as a potential “rapid predictor indicator” for the axial elongation, periocular injection of salidroside and formononetin, hyperopic defocus reduction using MiSight contact lenses, the chemical effect of 7-methylxanthine, and the suppressive effect of crocetin dietary supplement.
    Conclusion: Using the latest methods of myopia control alongside conventional strategies has a synergistic effect.

Research Article(s)

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 147 | views: 326 | pages: 222-227

    Introduction: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic degenerative autoimmune disease targeting the central nervous system, causing impairment in both physical and cognitive functioning. There is currently no cure for MS; its treatment is based on symptom management. One way for symptom management is to have physical activity which has been shown to reduce the number, length, and duration of disease relapse and remitting. The opportunities for mobile health use have increased significantly in recent years, largely due to technological advances in mobile applications. This study aims to determine the information needed for designing a mobile application to increase the physical activity of patients with MS.
    Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive study that was done in two stages. Participants were a panel of experts. The data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire based on the Likert scale with confirmed validity and reliability (Cronbach’s alpha=0.79). Items with an agreement percentage of 50% and more were identified as the required information for the application.
    Results: The information requirement were the patient profile (consisted of demographic and clinical information) and application features including education section, physical activity library, reminder system, and fatigue assessment.
    Conclusion: The needed information of this program were determined in 2 groups, profile section and app features; The patient's profile includes demographic and clinical information, and the system's features section includes the education section, the physical activity library, the reminder system and the fatigue assessment.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 154 | views: 317 | pages: 228-234

    Introduction: The students’ mental health is a global concern. To reduce mental health problems, it is necessary to have adequate knowledge about their prevalence before any intervention. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the prevalence of psychological disorders in rehabilitation students in Ahvaz, Iran
    Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 213 students (172 undergraduate, 26 graduate, and 15 postgraduate students) from the Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences at Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences (AJUMS) participated. They completed a demographic form, Beck’s Anxiety Inventory, Beck’s Depression Inventory, and Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale-21 Items.
    Results: The results showed that 54.4%, 19.3%, and 15.5% of students had moderate to severe stress, anxiety and depression, respectively. The students’ psychological status had a significant positive correlation with the family history of psychological disorders and comorbidity. Furthermore, there was a significant negative correlation between the students’ psychological status and weekly study hours.
    Conclusion: The university authorities can help reduce stress, depression, and anxiety of students by encouraging them to increase their study time.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 407 | views: 797 | pages: 235-243

    Introduction: This study aims to evaluate the effect of modified hold-relax stretching combined with moist heat therapy on hamstring muscle flexibility, EMG activity and strength in college students with hamstring tightness.
    Materials and Methods: Thirty-eight college students with hamstring tightness were recruited and were divided into two groups. Group 1 received modified hold-relax stretching plus moist heat therapy and Group 2 received moist heat therapy alone, three days a week for four weeks. The knee range of motion (ROM), muscle strength and Electromyography (EMG) activity before and after the treatment protocol were measured.
    Results: There was no significant difference between the two groups in demographic characteristics. The knee ROM was significantly different between groups in terms of time (P=0.001) and group (P=0.005) effects, but the strength and EMG activity were not significantly different.
    Conclusion: The modified hold-relax technique combined with moist heat therapy is effective in increasing hamstring flexibility, but has no significant effect on the muscle EMG activity and strength.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 400 | views: 831 | pages: 244-251

    Introduction: This study aims to evaluate the effect of lumbar myofascial release (MFR) technique on pain and thickness of the lumbar fascia tissue in patients with non-specific low back pain.
    Materials and Methods: In this clinical trial, 20 subjects with non-specific low back pain were treated by MFR on the lumbar region at 4 sessions. Low back pain severity and thickness of the lumbar fascia tissue were assessed by ultrasonographic imaging before and after the intervention.
    Results: Subjects showed significant reduction in lumbar fascia thickness (P=0.000) and low back pain severity (P=0.000).
    Conclusion: The lumbar MFR technique is effective in patients with non-specific low back pain due to reducing the lumbar fascia thickness and low back pain.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 319 | views: 518 | pages: 252-260

    Introduction: This study aimed to investigate the immediate effect of kinesio taping (KT) over abdominal muscles with different tensions on the components of the lumbopelvic complex.
    Materials and Methods: This is a single-blind randomized controlled clinical trial. Participants were 44 healthy male athletes aged 18-30 years with increased anterior pelvic tilt (PT). Three intervention groups underwent 15 minutes of KT over rectus abdominis and external oblique muscles with tensions of 100, 115, and 140%, respectively, and one group was considered as the control group with no KT. The PT and lumbar lordosis angles and iliopsoas and hamstring muscle lengths were measured before and after the KT. Repeated measures ANOVA was used to compare the means in the study groups before and after the intervention.
    Results: The mean of right and left PT and lumbar lordosis angles in groups with 115 and 140% tensions before and after the intervention were statistically different (P<0.05). Moreover, the mean of right and left PT and lumbar lordosis angles showed a significant difference between the groups after the intervention (P<0.05). There was a significant difference in active and passive hamstring lengths on both sides in the group received KT with 140% tension before and after the intervention (P<0.05).
    Conclusion: Kinesio taping with high tension on rectus abdominis and external oblique muscles can reduce their PT angle and lumbar lordosis and increase hamstring muscle length in men with increased anterior PT. This issue should be considered in lumbopelvic complex physiotherapy.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 161 | views: 309 | pages: 261-270

    Introduction: Neck pain is a highly prevalent disorder in developed countries. A myofascial trigger point (MTrP) is distinguished under the name of the fundamental excessive menstruation for it and certain reason for musculoskeletal dysfunction. MTrP refers to a sensitive spot in a taut band whose stretch and compression can induce pain. Modifications in the motor cortex, sensory input, irritability, and integration are the adaptive mechanisms to pain. Accordingly, this study aimed to investigate the preparatory brain activity and anticipatory postural control in chronic neck pain.
    Materials and Methods: The study participants included 25 women with an active MTrP in the upper trapezius muscle and 25 healthy women in the control group. We recorded the brain activities from Cz, Pz, and Fz regions and muscle activities of both sides of the upper trapezius, anterior deltoid, cervical and lumbar paraspinal, sternocleidomastoid, and medial head of the gastrocnemius. The participants had to flex their arms in reply to the second sound stimulus, followed by the first sound. Then, their reaction time and brain activity were evaluated.
    Results: Significant differences between the two groups were detected in brain activities’ measurements and the onset of muscle activation (P<0.001). The exception was the onset of gastrocnemius muscle activation (P>0.05).
    Conclusion: The current study suggests that active MTrP induces latency and lengthens the muscle reaction time; thus, the production of suitable motion after the stimulus will be affected. Brain alteration after pain damages movement changes and postural control mechanism.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 223 | views: 451 | pages: 271-279

    Introduction: Neck pain is the fourth leading cause of disability worldwide. This study aims to investigate the effects of Electro Acupuncture (EA) versus Laser Acupuncture (LA) on symptoms of women with chronic cervical myofascial pain syndrome.
    Materials and Methods: This is a single-blind randomized controlled clinical trial. Thirty women with chronic cervical myofascial pain syndrome were randomly divided into three groups: EA, LA, and sham. The EA group received electrical stimulation through needles at standard acupuncture points, while the LA group received low-intensity laser irradiation at the same points. The passive laser probe was applied for the sham group. The outcome measures were neck pain pressure threshold, neck pain severity, neck disability, and cervical range of motion
    Results: The pain severity and disability were significantly lower in the EA group than in the other two groups. The neck range of motion (cervical lateral flexion and rotation) and pain pressure threshold increased significantly in the EA group immediately and one week after the intervention.
    Conclusion: Both EA and LA interventions may be effective in alleviating the symptoms of cervical myofascial pain syndrome, but the EA can be more effective in reducing neck pain and disability in women with cervical myofascial pain syndrome.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 328 | views: 833 | pages: 280-289

    Introduction: Identifying the contributing factors to a specific learning disorder and comparing these factors in different types of this disorder will lead to using more proper interventions in the future. Therefore, this study aimed to compare sensory processing skills and perceived motor competence between three groups of students with specific learning disabilities (reading and writing disorders, math disorders, and combination disorders).
    Materials and Methods: The present study was a cross-sectional descriptive-analytical study. The participants were 48 children (16 in each group, aged 8-12 years). They were selected from Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province, Iran, by the simple convenience sampling method. The participants’ sensory processing was measured with sensory profile 2 and their perceived motor competency with Marsh perceived motor competence questionnaire.
    Results: The results showed a significant difference between the three groups in the sensory sensitivity, low registration sensory patterns and processing of tactile, and body position senses (P <0.05). However, no significant differences were observed between groups in other components of sensory processing and perceived motor competence (P> 0.05).
    Conclusion: The results indicate that therapeutic interventions in the group with reading and writing disorders should focus on increasing sensory registration and processing of tactile and body position senses and reducing sensory sensitivity in the mathematical group.