Vol 15 No 3 (2021)

Research Article(s)

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 149 | views: 667 | pages: 119-126

    Introduction: Language processing (especially phonology) and speech motor control are disordered in stuttering. However, it is unclear how they are related based on the models of speech processing. The present study aimed to study non-word repetition, rhyme and alliteration judgment, and speech motor control and investigate their relationship in children who stutter (CWS) compared to typically developed children (TDC).
    Materials and Methods: Twenty-eight CWS (mean age=5.46 years) and 28 peers TDC (mean age=5.52 years) participated in this study. Phonological processing, according to the speech processing model, is divided into phonological input and output. Phonological input, phonological output, and speech motor control were assessed by rhyme and alliteration tasks, accurate phonological production during non-word repetition task, and Robbins-Klee oral speech motor protocol, respectively. The Pearson correlation coefficient, independent t-test, and Cohen’s d were used for data analysis.
    Results: Both non-word repetition and speech motor skills were significantly different in CWS than TDC (P<0.001). But rhyme and alliteration judgment were similar across groups (P>0.001). Phonological processing and speech motor control were not significantly correlated (P>0.001).
    Conclusion: Phonological processing (output), a level before articulation, and speech motor control are not correlated, but both are disordered in preschool CWS. Additionally, phonological processing (input) is similar in CWS and TDC. That is, phonological input is not affected by stuttering in CWS.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 88 | views: 347 | pages: 127-140

    Introduction: This research aimed to study the healing process of cryosurgical wounds after topical application of low-level laser and to evaluate its effects for the prevention of healing complications.
    Materials and Methods: A total of 50 healthy male Wistar rats with an average weight of 200-250 g were selected and randomly divided into two main groups. In control group (N=25), cryosurgery was done without using of low-level laser. In experimental group (N=25), cryosurgery was done and the low-level laser was used for 10 days post-surgery. Each main group was divided into five subgroups (n=5) according to histopathological evaluation date (3, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days post-surgical) and healing process was evaluated on the wound specimens harvested at above-mentioned days. The full- thickness wounds were harvested in 40 mm in length and 20 mm in width and the specimens were stained using hematoxylin-eosin and Masson’s Trichrome staining. The healing process was evaluated and compared in groups by observation of granulation tissue and collagen fibers amounts, epithelial gap size, the number of inflammatory cells, and the rate of angiogenesis. Data were collected and statistically analyzed and compared between the experimental and control groups on specific days using the Kruskal-Wallis and Dan post hoc statistical tests.
    Results: The obtained data were compared between the experimental and control groups on different days using the Kruskal-Wallis and Dan post hoc statistical tests. The statistical results revealed significant differences between groups (P<0.05) in all mentioned variables. It revealed that the healing process in the experimental group took place at least one week earlier than the control group.
    Conclusion: The results of this animal study showed that the low-level laser therapy on an experimental cryosurgical wound not only accelerates the healing process but also can be effective in the prevention of healing complications. The authors suggest further research to extend the results to human applications.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 574 | views: 1232 | pages: 141-150

    Introduction: Flexibility is an essential component of muscle function, and insufficient muscle flexibility may lead to muscle injuries. Decreased hamstring flexibility is one of the frequently reported risk factors for a hamstring strain and diminished athletic performance. Stretching is a commonly used intervention for increasing muscle length. There is a lack of evidence concerning the possible effects of hamstring stretching in balance and gait biomechanics. So, this study was designed to investigate the potential effects of static hamstring stretching on the range of motion (ROM), dynamic balance, and biomechanical variables of gait in athletes with hamstring tightness.
    Materials and Methods: This study is a single-group, pretest-posttest clinical trial performed on semi-professional female athletes. Twelve female athletes aged 20 to 35 years with bilateral hamstring tightness received a single session of unilateral static hamstring stretching on their randomly selected side. All subjects were assessed for straight leg raise, popliteal angle (using standard goniometry), perceived hamstring tightness (using a visual analog scale). They completed single-leg standing and 15-m walking and running tasks before and immediately after the intervention. The biomechanical parameters, including gait-line length, swing duration, and stance duration in walking tasks, maximum total force and mean total force in running task, and center of pressure (COP) displacement and standard deviation during balance task were measured using OpenGo sensor insole system. The pre-post values were compared using the paired sample t-test, and the level of significance was 0.05.
    Results: The values for straight leg raise and popliteal angle significantly increased (P<0.05) compared with the baseline, while perceived tightness significantly decreased following stretching (P<0.001). The amplitude (P₌0.006) and standard deviation (P₌0.016) of COP displacement in the mediolateral direction during the single leg stance balance task were significantly decreased after the intervention. Stance duration in slow walking (P₌0.004), as well as stance duration (P₌0.012) and swing duration (P<0.001) in fast walking, were significantly decreased (P<0.05) after stretching. No change was observed in gait biomechanical variables during the running test (P>0.05).
    Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that static hamstring stretching can be a promising intervention not just for increasing hamstring flexibility but also for improving balance ability.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 122 | views: 627 | pages: 151-160

    Introduction: The proprioceptive system is a sensory system based on an individual’s knowledge of his or her body. This knowledge is transmitted to the brain through inputs received from joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. As a result, these inputs inadvertently inform the brain of the state of the body’s muscles. Numerous factors can affect this system. This study aimed to investigate the effect of estrogen and progesterone hormones on understanding and recognizing the proprioceptive sense of hip joint in healthy women during the menstrual cycle.
    Materials and Methods: In this quasi-experimental study, 15 healthy women participated voluntarily. They had regular menstrual cycles without any history of disease and drug use. The concentration of estrogen and progesterone during a cycle in the follicular (4-6 days), ovulation, and luteal phases were evaluated to detect their effects on the sense of perception and cognition of the proprioceptive joint in the two movements of abduction and flexion by the target angle reconstruction method (30°).
    Results: The errors of active joint position sense were reduced in abduction and flexion during ovular and luteal phases compared to the follicular phase. However, in the flexion direction of hip movement, there was a significant difference in absolute error during hormonal changes in the menstrual cycle (P=0.000).
    Conclusion: The results showed that due to more involvement of motor control of hip muscles joint by motor neuron activity (increase release of estrogen hormone), all errors reduced in ovular and luteal phases compared to the follicular phase. The flexion movement is more disturbed, and due to more flexibility in this direction, absolute errors are significantly reduced. This reduction of errors in ovular and luteal phases compared to the regular stage of hormone release (follicular phase) may cause some rigidity in the hip joint and an increase of trauma in external mechanical forces. This study’s findings showed that the lowest proprioception sensation is in the follicular phase. Decreasing the concentration of sex hormones in this phase is likely to reduce the sense of recognition of the joint, thus increasing the likelihood of injury in this phase. Findings from this study showed that the lowest proprioceptic sensation is in the follicular phase. The results of this study showed that the least sense is Prvpryvsptyk in Fazfvlykvlar.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 121 | views: 260 | pages: 161-166

    Introduction: The use of cochlear implants, due to technological limitations, causes problems in speech comprehension in the presence of noise. This study aimed to evaluate the speech-in-noise (SIN) comprehension with emphasis on high-frequency components between users of different bimodal adult.
    Materials and Methods: This study was conducted on 33 adult participants with a mean age of 36 years using bimodal (cochlear implant in one ear and hearing aid in another ear: CI/HA) style of different companies. Quick SIN with emphasis on high-frequency components was performed on the participants using an audiometer, an amplifier, and one speaker.
    Results: Comparing the average percentage of correct answers from the word recognition test in the presence of noise in bimodal users showed that the Cochlear brand provides a better signal-to-noise (SNR) compare to other brands. Our result shows that bimodal users of Advance bionic and Med-El groups have better performance in speech recognition than other brands.
    Conclusion: Bimodal users of Advance bionic and Med-El have better SNR loss than other brands. Besides, further studies on different ages can be helpful to make the right decision in this regard.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 316 | views: 884 | pages: 167-172

    Introduction: The most critical clinical presentation in myofascial pain syndrome is trigger points. Trigger points are the main problem in 30% of the patients presenting to general internal medicine practice. One of the treatments used for trigger points is ultrasound therapy. The high-power pain threshold ultrasound (HPPTUS) technique is one of the therapeutic ultrasound modifications used to treat trigger points. The present randomized clinical trial aimed to investigate the immediate effect of high-power pain threshold ultrasound on treating active trigger points of the upper trapezius muscle in men with mechanical neck pain.
    Materials and Methods: Fourteen men with mechanical neck pain (Mean±SD age: 34.50±5.24 years) who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria participated in this study. The visual analog scale (VAS), pressure pain threshold (PPT), and range of motion of cervical lateral flexion (CLF) were assessed before and after the treatment. The ultrasound probe was placed on the trigger point. The frequency was set to 1 MHz, and the intensity increased from 0.5 to 2 until the patient reported an unpleasant sensation. The probe was held there for 4 seconds. Then, the intensity was reduced by 50%, and the probe was moved over and around the trigger point. This process was done several times for three minutes.
    Results: Analysis of pre-treatment and post-treatment findings showed that the VAS (P<0.001), PPT (P=0.001), and CLF (P<0.001) improved significantly after applying the HPPTUS to trigger points.
    Conclusion: Ultrasound significantly improved the muscular symptoms of the trigger points.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 283 | views: 563 | pages: 173-182

    Introduction: Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) experience problems in motor skills which can affect other abilities such as academic and daily life skills. In this regard, the cost of interventions and the long distance from the rehabilitation centers put pressure on the family of children with ASD. Previous studies have shown the potential for using telerehabilitation as a more affordable way to provide interventions for children with ASD. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the non-attendant family-centered Sports, Play and Active Recreation for Kids (SPARK) motor program intervention to develop gross motor skills in children with a high-function ASD.
    Materials and Methods: The research is a quasi-experimental study with a pretest-posttest design. The participants were 9 families of children with high-functioning ASD referring to the rehabilitation centers in Tehran, Isfahan, Quds, and Kermanshah provinces, Iran. Telerehabilitation of SPARK motor program involves exercising and playing performed in 24 sessions of 45 minutes each (3 sessions per week) for 8 weeks applied for parents. The test of gross motor development-2 (TGMD-2) was used for data collection. The collected data were analyzed by paired t-test.
    Results: The results showed that family-based telerehabilitation of the SPARK program significantly improved gross motor skills in children with high-functioning ASD (P<0.05).
    Conclusion: It seems that the telerehabilitation of SPARK can be helpful for families who do not have access to rehabilitation centers.