The Effects of Estrogen and Progesterone Hormones on Active Hip Joint Position Sense in Healthy Women in Different Phases of a Menstrual Cycle
Introduction: The proprioceptive system is a sensory system based on an individual’s knowledge of his or her body. This knowledge is transmitted to the brain through inputs received from joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. As a result, these inputs inadvertently inform the brain of the state of the body’s muscles. Numerous factors can affect this system. This study aimed to investigate the effect of estrogen and progesterone hormones on understanding and recognizing the proprioceptive sense of hip joint in healthy women during the menstrual cycle.
Materials and Methods: In this quasi-experimental study, 15 healthy women participated voluntarily. They had regular menstrual cycles without any history of disease and drug use. The concentration of estrogen and progesterone during a cycle in the follicular (4-6 days), ovulation, and luteal phases were evaluated to detect their effects on the sense of perception and cognition of the proprioceptive joint in the two movements of abduction and flexion by the target angle reconstruction method (30°).
Results: The errors of active joint position sense were reduced in abduction and flexion during ovular and luteal phases compared to the follicular phase. However, in the flexion direction of hip movement, there was a significant difference in absolute error during hormonal changes in the menstrual cycle (P=0.000).
Conclusion: The results showed that due to more involvement of motor control of hip muscles joint by motor neuron activity (increase release of estrogen hormone), all errors reduced in ovular and luteal phases compared to the follicular phase. The flexion movement is more disturbed, and due to more flexibility in this direction, absolute errors are significantly reduced. This reduction of errors in ovular and luteal phases compared to the regular stage of hormone release (follicular phase) may cause some rigidity in the hip joint and an increase of trauma in external mechanical forces. This study’s findings showed that the lowest proprioception sensation is in the follicular phase. Decreasing the concentration of sex hormones in this phase is likely to reduce the sense of recognition of the joint, thus increasing the likelihood of injury in this phase. Findings from this study showed that the lowest proprioceptic sensation is in the follicular phase. The results of this study showed that the least sense is Prvpryvsptyk in Fazfvlykvlar.
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Issue | Vol 15 No 3 (2021) | |
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Proprioceptive sense Estrogen hormone Hip joint |
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