Research Article

Investigating the Range of Motion and Balance Symmetry Between the Dominant and Non-dominant Arms in the Classic Female Wrestlers


Introduction: The purpose of this study was to investigate the Range of Motion (ROM) and balance symmetry between dominant and non-dominant arms in classic female wrestlers.
Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 13 members of the Iranian Women’s National Classic Wrestling Team participated voluntarily. The shoulder ROM was measured by a goniometer and dynamic balance was assessed by the Y-balance test. Data analysis was done by running a paired t-test, with a 0.95 confidence level (α<0.05).
Results: There was no significant difference between dominant and non-dominant upper extremities in flexion (P=0.162), extension (P=0.264), abduction (P=0.077), internal rotation (P=0.972), and external rotation (0.945). A significant difference was found in the Y-balance test in medial (P=0.026) and inferior-lateral directions (P=0.047), but no significant difference in superior-lateral direction (P=0.715) and composite score (P=0.071).
Conclusion: Based on the results, it seems that the balance in the dominant arm is better than that in non-dominant arm in the athletes so the non-dominant arm may be at more risk for injury development. We, therefore, recommend that the coaches and trainers pay particular attention to these findings in designing the injury prevention programs.

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SectionResearch Article(s)
Athletes Postural balance Arm Range of motion Wrestling

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How to Cite
Sayyadi P, Sheikhhoseini R. Investigating the Range of Motion and Balance Symmetry Between the Dominant and Non-dominant Arms in the Classic Female Wrestlers. jmr. 2020;14(2):81-88.