Research Paper: Effects of 4 Week Postural Corrective Exercise on Correcting Forward Head Posture
Introduction: This study aimed to assess the effects of 4-week postural corrective exercise program on forward head posture in college-aged females.
Materials and Methods: This is a randomized controlled study. Twenty-one female students with craniovertebral angle measured less than or equal to 50 degrees were selected and randomly assigned to intervention (n=12) or control (n=9) group. Intervention group performed forward head posture corrective exercises in the form of stretching and strengthening exercises. The craniovertebral angle, active neck flexion range of motion and strength of lower and middle trapezius were measured before and after 4 weeks exercise program.
Results: After four weeks, significant increases were observed in the intervention group regarding the means of craniovertebral angle (P=0.0001), active neck flexion range of motion (P=0.04) and lower trapezius strength (P=0.03), while the mean strength of middle trapezius had not changed significantly (P>0.05).
Conclusion: Four week intervention protocol successfully improved postural alignment related to forward head posture. Thus, corrective exercise program for 4 weeks is effective to decrease forward head posture.
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Issue | Vol 11 No 2 (2017) | |
Section | Research Article(s) | |
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Forward head posture Corrective exercise Craniovertebral angle |
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