Training Interventions Change Relative Power Spectrum of Alpha After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Deficiency in Athletes
Introduction: In individuals with anterior cruciate ligament deficiency (ACLD), defective sensory and motor neuroplasticity occurs in the central nervous system (CNS) due to defects in sensory afferents. To successfully restore ACLD individuals to pre-injury conditions, it is necessary to modify the neuroplasticity created in the CNS by prescribing more appropriate training. For this aim, in this study, we used perturbation training differently.
Materials and Methods: Thirty athletes with unilateral anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) rupture were randomly assigned to the perturbation and standard training groups. The training program of two groups was performed in three intermittent sessions per week for one month. The relative power spectrum of alpha of quantitative electroencephalography (QEEG) was measured in three tasks: (1) the single-leg jump-landing, (2) the single-leg stance with opened eyes, and (3) the single-leg stance with closed eyes.
Results: The perturbation training group only showed significant symmetry in the relative power spectrum of alpha between the two limbs in the single-leg jump-landing test (p=0.92, ES=0.04) in comparison pre-post test. Also, this group showed high symmetry in the alpha band in the single-leg stance test with closed eyes (p=0.53, ES=0.16).
Conclusion: The results of the present study showed that both mechanical perturbation and standard training are suitable for transporting ACLDs back to sports. It also seems that mechanical perturbation training had higher effectiveness in modifying the CNS alpha power.
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Anterior cruciate ligament Electroencephalography Training |
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