Comparison of Kicking Speeds Between Competitive Swimmers with Flat and Normal Feet in Selangor, Malaysia
Introduction: Competitive swimming is one of the most popular Olympic sports. Although studies indicate that explored flat feet improved running performance, research on foot types and their impact on swimming is scarce and unexplored. This study investigates the difference between flutter kicking speed among competitive swimmers with flat and standard feet.
Materials and Methods: A total of 78 competitive swimmers in the age range of 13 to 19 years were recruited from Pusat Akuatik Darul Ehsan swimming training using a purposive sampling method and a cross-sectional study design. Based on their navicular drop test scores, the participants were categorized as flat-footed (group A) and normal-footed (group B). An independent t-test was applied to compare the kicking speeds between flat-footed and normal-footed swimmers. The swimmers in group A and group B were instructed to perform a standard 50-m kicking front crawl performance with the upper limb placed over the sliding board individually in a swimming pool, and their reaching time was recorded using a stopwatch.
Results: The results indicated flat-foot swimmers’ front crawl kicking performance was faster than normal-foot swimmers’ (P=0.03) with a medium effect size (d=0.50).
Conclusion: This study concludes that flat-footed competitive swimmers have an advantage in reaching 50 m in less time than normal-footed swimmers.
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Issue | Vol 18 No 1 (2024) | |
Section | Research Article(s) | |
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Swimming Flat foot Medial longitudinal arch Kicking performance |
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