Validity and Reliability of Non-Invasive Methods for Evaluating Kyphosis and Lordosis Curvatures: A Literature Review
Introduction: A few instruments are accessible for clinical estimation of the thoracic and lumbar curvatures. This methodical survey aims to identify the validity and reliability of non-invasive thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis measurements.
Materials and Methods: This research is a literature review. The process was performed on articles in credible databases, such as Medline, Embase, AMED, CINAHL, PubMed, and Biomedical Reference Collection, Expanded, Sport Discus, Science Direct, Web of Science, searching for the terms thoracic kyphosis, lordosis, spinal curvature, lordosis and reliability, lordosis and validity, kyphosis and reliability, kyphosis and validity, test, measure, flexi curve, radiograph, spinal mouse, inclinometer, kyphometer, image processing, Cobb, during 1960 to 2020.
Results: The result of the systematic search revealed that ten methods among all related papers have inclusion criteria, 3D ultrasound, Arco meter, DE Brunner’s kyphometer, digital inclinometer, electro goniometer, goniometer, flexi curve angle, image processing, pantograph, and spinal mouse.
Conclusion: The validity and reliability of non-invasive methods for estimating kyphosis and lordosis curvatures were indicated in 26 papers. Based on the current little evidence, non-invasive procedures have high to very high reliability and moderate to high validity.
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Reliability Validity Non-invasive Kyphosis Lordosis |
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