The Effects of Lower Extremity Kinesio Taping on Temporal and Spatial Parameters of Gait Initiation in Semi-professional Soccer Players With and Without Functional Ankle Instabilit
Introduction: The present study aimed to investigate the immediate effects of two types of Kinesio taping on the temporal and spatial variables of gait initiation in individuals with and without Functional Ankle Instability (FAI).
Materials and Methods: Thirty semi-professional athletes (15 with and 15 without FAI [control]) were recruited for this study. The gait initiation task was examined before and after the two types of Kinesio taping on a force plate. Temporal (Reaction Phase [RP], Anticipatory Postural Adjustment Phase [APAP]), and spatial variables were recorded and compared between Groups, before and after the tape application.
Results: The results of multiple repeated-measure analyses of variance showed no significant differences for “factor” and “Group by factor” interaction effects for any outcome measure (P>0.05). There were no significant differences for Group effects except for the APAP (F=10.27, P=0.003). The APAA was 71.95 ms longer in the FAI Group (476.95±15.87 ms) compared to the control Group (405.04±15.87 ms).
Conclusion: Kinesio taping application does not influence any of the gait initiation parameters on the force plate. Participants with FAI demonstrated longer APAP which might be due to recurrent injury and instability during sports or physical activity.
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Issue | Vol 15 No 4 (2021) | |
Section | Research Article(s) | |
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Gait Functional ankle instability Kinesio tape Soccer |
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