The Effect of Eight Weeks of Iyengar Yoga With an Emphasis on Spine and Shoulder Exercises on the Upper Cross Syndrome in Middle-aged Women
Introduction: Upper Crossed Syndrome (UCS) is a combination of forward head, rounded shoulder, and hyperkyphosis deformities. Yoga is a non-competitive physical exercise with the potential to correct postural imbalances in the human body. Iyengar yoga is a form of Hatha yoga.
Materials and Methods: The purpose of present study was to evaluate the effect of Iyengar yoga with an emphasis on spine and shoulder exercises on the UCS in middle-aged women. In this quasi-experimental applied research, 15 subjects were purposefully recruited out of middle-aged women affected with UCS. The participants performed Iyengar yoga exercises with an emphasis on the spine and shoulder. The photogrammetry method was used to measure UCS.
Results: At the end of 8 weeks exercises, there was a significant increase in the cervical (P<0.001) and shoulder angles (P<0.005), and a significant decrease in thoracic flexion angle (P<0.001).
Conclusion: All relevant coaches and therapists are recommended considering Iyengar yoga as an alternative for training programs in middle-aged women affected by UCS.
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Issue | Vol 14 No 3 (2020) | |
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Iyengar Syndrome Exercise |
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