Case Report

Information Processing Speed and Accuracy in Basketball Players With and Without Functional Ankle Instability


Introduction: Ankle sprain is a common sports injury that can cause Functional Ankle Instability (FAI). Neurocognitive function impairment had been reported in subjects with musculoskeletal injuries. Consequently, information processing deficits might be associated with FAI. This study aimed to compare information processing speed and accuracy in athletes with and without FAI.
Materials and Methods: Eighteen control healthy male basketball players and 18 male basketball players with FAI voluntarily participated in the study. They were matched according to age, height, weight, duration of physical activity, and upper-limb dominance. The neurocognitive function of subjects was assessed with the computerized neurocognitive test. The computerized neurocognitive assessment is based on the presentation of ‘X’ on a computer monitor and includes detection (i.e. simple reaction time [SRT]) or identification (i.e. Choice Reaction Time [CRT]).
Results: Significant differences were observed between study groups in the SRT, CRT, and the number of errors (P<0.001). Subjects in the control group had a shorter reaction time and fewer errors.
Discussion: Athletes with FAI had significantly slower reaction times. FAI affects processing speed and accuracy, which may be modifiable through the performance of exercises designed to accelerate neurocognitive processing of visual input.

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IssueVol 13 No 3 (2019) QRcode
SectionCase Report(s)
Neurocognitive function, Reaction time task, Functional ankle instability

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Mohammadi N, Hadian MR, Olyaei G. Information Processing Speed and Accuracy in Basketball Players With and Without Functional Ankle Instability. jmr. 2020;13(3):179-184.