Factors Influencing the Hearing Aids Use and Satisfaction: A Review Study
Introduction: Hearing loss is a common problem that may end in disability and handicap. The primary treatment of hearing loss is using hearing aids. However, many patients, despite being aware of this problem, are not interested in using these devices. Some factors affect the process of receiving and using hearing aids, some of which are related to the person’s characteristics. In this article, we will investigate the possible factors and their roles in using hearing aids by the patients.
Materials and Methods: We searched Google Scholar, PubMed and ScienceDirect database over the last twenty years, with the keywords of “hearing aid", “use", “satisfaction", and “benefit". The result of this search was 399 articles, out of which 77 articles were related to this topic.
Discussion: Different factors affecting the usefulness of hearing aids can be investigated in two stages. The first is the stage before receiving hearing aids when a person looks for help and receives hearing aid, and the second stage after receiving the hearing aid when the person has used the hearing aid and reports his or her satisfaction. The factors affecting the receiving stage are the amount of hearing loss, problems experienced by the person, the patient’s motives and expectations, personality traits, auditory counseling, and economic issues. However, after receiving a hearing aid, factors such as other non-auditory abilities, hearing loss, age, duration of hearing aid use, hearing aids characteristics, disabilities, attitudes, and personality traits affect the satisfaction of the patient.
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Issue | Vol 13 No 3 (2019) | |
Section | Review Article(s) | |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.32598/JMR.13.3.137 | |
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Hearing loss, Hearing ais, Assistive listening devices |
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