Influence of Body Positions on Craniovertebral Angle in the Elderly People With Forward Head Posture: A Pilot Study
Introduction: Forward Head Posture (FHP) is one of the most common faulty sagittal postures of the craniocervical region in elderly adults. The sagittal alignment of the spine changes with different body positions. This study aimed to compare head postural alignment between sitting and standing positions in elder people with FHP.
Materials and Methods: The head posture was assessed in 32 participants including 16 old adults with FHP (Mean±SD age=67.9±3.8 years) and 16 normal matched individuals (Mean±SD age=67.5±3.4 years). Side-view photographs were taken in standing and sitting positions to determine the amount of the craniovertebral angle.
Results: The results of the paired t test indicated a significant difference between head postural alignment in sitting and standing positions for normal (P<0.003) group. However, there is no significant difference in sitting vs. standing in FHP group (P<0.09).
Conclusion: The assessment of head postural alignment in elder people using craniovertebral angle in two different positions, sitting and standing, demonstrated no changes in the alignment of head at FHP participants. It may be due to need for keeping the forward gaze.
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Issue | Vol 12 No 2 (2018) | |
Section | Research Article(s) | |
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Forward head posture Craniovertebral angle Position Elderly |
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