Neuro-Optometry, Neuro-Optometrist, and Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitative Implications
The area of neuro-optometry, a subspecialty of optometry, has started a long time ago and continued to serve patients with neurological dysfunctions of the visual system through various methods and applications. The efficiency of neuro-optometric rehabilitation has been proved by a wealth of scientific presentations and publications in the area of neuroscience. However, this subspecialty of optometry has not yet been appreciated and recognized in many regions of the world. This scientific article outlines neuro-optometry, neuro-optometrist’s duties, and neuro-optometric rehabilitative implications in order to highlight the importance of neuro-optometric rehabilitation, to shed a light on one of the missing responsibilities of optometrists in the area of neuroscience, to present the significance of references and sources worked in this area of science, and to define relevant duties for optometrists who wish to work in this sector.
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Issue | Vol 12 No 2 (2018) | |
Section | Review Article(s) | |
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Neuro-optometry Neuro-optometrist Neuro-optometric rehabilitation Vision therapy Neurological disorders Interdisciplinary approaches |
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