Research Article

Effectiveness of Cardiac Rehabilitation for Patients after Coronary Artery Bypass Graft: Randomized Controlled Trial


Background: Cardiac rehabilitation is a program designed to help patients adopt healthy lifestyles. This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of the comprehensive cardiac rehabilitation program (CCRP) on anxiety, depression, perceived health status (PHS), and 90-day readmission rate for Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) patients.
Methods: 122 patients were randomized into two groups; the intervention group received a CCRP. The program was 12 weeks. Anxiety and depression were assessed using the hospital anxiety and depression scale, and PHS was assessed using the short form-36 health survey. The effectiveness of the CCRP was measured using ANOVA.
Results: The sample comprised 122 participants, most of them were male (n = 85; 69.7%), with a mean age of 53.01 (±7.26) years. At baseline, the groups had no significant differences. At 12 weeks and one month later, significant differences have been observed with between-group effect of (F (1) = 937.69, P <.001, partial η2 = .90), (F (1) = 1036.00, p<0.001, partial η2 = .91), (F (1) = 14.73, p <.001, partial η2 = .13), (F (1) = 13.87, p <.001, partial η2 = .121) for anxiety, depression, physical component summary and mental component summary of perceived health status respectively.
Conclusion: CCRP appeared to be an effective intervention that could significantly improve anxiety, depression, and PHS. Although the difference in the readmission rate was not significant, it may result in substantial rewards.
The protocol of the present study was registered and approved in PRS
ID: NCT06118918
November /2023

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Cardiac rehabilitation, Anxiety, Depression, Health status

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Lam S, Harbi A, Yubbu P, Geok S. Effectiveness of Cardiac Rehabilitation for Patients after Coronary Artery Bypass Graft: Randomized Controlled Trial. jmr. 2025;(-).