Research Article

Investigation of Occupational Performance and Life Habits in Older Adults with Early Stages of Alzheimer's Disease in Tehran


Background and aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the occupational performance and life habits of elderly adults with early stages of Alzheimer’s disease.
Methods: This study was cross-sectional research. Participants were elderly adults, aged 65-85 years with Alzheimer's disease that refer to Roozbeh and Ziaeian Hospital and Kahrizak Charity in Tehran, Iran in 2022. Seventy patients (36 male, 34 female) were recruited based on convenience sampling method. The Canadian Occupational Performance Measure and Life Habits Questionnaire were used to determine the occupational performance and life habits. Data were analyzed using t independent T test and Mann-Whitney test using SPSS21.
Result: The mean age of elderly male and female was 72.02 ± 3.74 and 71.14 ± 4.09 years, respectively. 68.3% of the priorities of occupational performance was related to the self-care. In male the priorities of self-care were 76.7% and in female it was 59.4%. No significant gender difference was found in satisfaction with occupational performance (P>0.05). (P>0.05). In the Life Habit Questionnaire, fitness had the highest participation level, while communication had the lowest. A significant gender difference was observed in participation levels in daily activities (P<0.05).
Conclusion: The results showed that the most important occupational performance priorities of elderly adults with Alzheimer's disease was self-care. The highest level of participation among the daily activities was related to the fitness and the lowest was communication. This study could help occupational therapists identify the priorities, habits, and participation levels of men and women with early Alzheimer's in daily activities.

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SectionResearch Article(s)
Alzheimer's disease, Aging, Occupational performance, Life habits

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How to Cite
Dalvand H, Kadkhodaei Z, Vahabi Z, Etesam F, Almasi Hashiani A. Investigation of Occupational Performance and Life Habits in Older Adults with Early Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease in Tehran. jmr. 2025;(-).