Research Article

Cultural Adaptation of the “Language-Based Reading Disabilities Checklist” for Persian-Speaking Students: A Psychometric Study


Purpose: Regarding the prevalence of learning disabilities (LD) and its consequences, availability of a valid and reliable screening tool will help providing early diagnosis and intervention for at-risk students. Significant number of students with LD have a history of language problems, so it is rational to recognize them through a checklist entitled as “Language-Based Reading Disabilities Checklist”. Translation, cross-cultural adaptation, and assessment of psychometric features of mentioned checklist for Persian-speaking students were aims of present study.
Methods: Research team administered forward & backward translations, cognitive briefing, and evaluation of validity and reliability. Content validity and face validity were calculated based on Content Validity Ratio/CVR (critical value ≥ 0.42), Critical Validity Index/CVI (critical value ≥ 0.79), & Item Impact Score/IIS (critical value ≥ 1.5). The Kuder-Richardson-21 was administered to calculate internal consistency.
Result: In translation, two words needed to be equated (‘wanders’ and ‘rhymes’). Teachers assessed the checklist as an easy to understand and clear. They need about five minutes to fill the checklist for each student. The panelists removed two items with CVR ≤ 0.42 and one item based on CVI and IIS. The internal consistency of the checklist was 0.94 and ICC for items were between 0.543 and 0.885.
Conclusion: The Persian version of the language-based reading disabilities checklist is a valid and reliable tool to be applied to the Persian-speaking students in Iran. The applicability of this tool for Iranian students who are bilingual (Turkish, Kurdish, Lor, Arabic, and Baloochi) should be checked.

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Dyslexia, Language development Disorders, Psychometrics, Students

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How to Cite
Armin M, Salmani M, Asadi M, Paknazar F. Cultural Adaptation of the “Language-Based Reading Disabilities Checklist” for Persian-Speaking Students: A Psychometric Study. jmr. 2025;(-).