Investigating the Effects of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation on Lumbar Fascia Tissue and Lumbar Curvature in Healthy People
Introduction: Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is commonly used for pain management. Recent studies have shown that TENS can improve the condition of low back pain by influencing the elastic coefficient of the lumbar fascia and the balance status; however, the effect of TENS on the lumbar fascia of healthy people has not been investigated. Accordingly, this study examines the effect of TENS on the lumbar fascia of healthy people.
Materials and Methods: A total of 60 healthy participants in two groups, underwent 10 sessions of conventional TENS intervention. The first group (intervention group) received TENS with an intensity at the tolerance level, and the second group (control group) received sham TENS. Ultrasonography and a spinal mouse device were assessed lumbar fascia thickness and lumbar curvature before and after the TENS.
Results: Significant changes were observed after TENS in the intervention group in reducing the lumbar fascia thickness (P=0.006) and increasing the lumbar curvature (P=0.000). Between-group changes after the intervention sessions indicated a significant difference between the lumbar fascia thickness and curvature (P≤0.003).
Conclusion: TENS in healthy people can lead to a decrease in the thickness of the lumbar fascia and improve lumbar curvature. Also, a strong correlation was found between lumbar fascia thickness reduction and increased lumbar curvature.
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Issue | Vol 18 No 4 (2024) | |
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Lumbar fascia Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation Ultrasonography Lumbar region Spinal curvatures |
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