Journal of Modern Rehabilitation
<p><strong>Journal of Modern Rehabilitation</strong> publishes articles relating to both clinical and basic science aspects of rehabilitation medicine in form of full-length paper, short communications, letter to editor, and reviews. It aims to be a wide forum for different areas of research in rehabilitation medicine, including functional assessment and intervention studies, clinical studies in various patient groups, papers on methodology in physical and rehabilitation medicine, epidemiological studies on disabling conditions and reports on vocational and sociomedical aspects of rehabilitation. </p> <p>It aims to be a wide forum for different areas of research in rehabilitation medicine, including functional assessment and intervention studies, clinical studies in various patient groups, papers on methodology in physical and rehabilitation medicine, epidemiological studies on disabling conditions and reports on vocational and socio-medical aspects of rehabilitation.</p> <p><strong>This Journal has been published in Persian, previously. To access the previous archive, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Click here</a>.</strong></p> <p><strong>Journal of Modern Rehabilitation is published in association with the Iranian Scientific Associations and Research Centers:</strong></p> <p> The Iranian Occupational Therapy Association</p> <p> The Iranian Society of Optometry</p> <p> The Iranian Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation</p> <p> The Iranian Physiotherapy Association</p> <p> The Iranian Scientific Speech Therapy Association</p> <p> The Iranian Scientific Association for Orthotics & Prosthetics</p> <p> The Neuromusculoskeletal Research Center, Iran University of Medical Sciences</p>Tehran University of Medical Sciencesen-USJournal of Modern Rehabilitation2538-385XTranslation, Cultural Adaptation, and Content Validity of the Persian Version of the Structured Cognitive Training Program "NEUROvitalis"
<p><strong>Background:</strong> The older adult populations is growing worldwide, particularly in Iran, leading to a decline in cognitive functions. Cognitive training effectively enhances cognitive abilities. NEUROvitalis is a structured cognitive training program incorporating psychoeducation with individual and group cognitive tasks. It accommodates up to 8 participants aged 50 and above, spanning 12 sessions over 6 weeks. This study aims to prepare translation, cultural adaptation, and content validity of the Structured Cognitive Training Program "NEUROvitalis".<br><strong>Materials and methods:</strong> To conduct this methodological study, we followed the standard forward-backward process. Then, the translation accuracy was checked by German translators, we assessed the fluency and comprehensibility of the translated material. Twelve assessors from Tehran University of Medical Sciences scored each psychoeducational component—pamphlet, group game, and individual exercise—on a 5-point visual scale. Then, the Content Validity Index (CVI) was calculated.<br><strong>Results:</strong> A total of 12 participants (eight females, four males, aged 23–41, mean age 28.83 ± 6.23) took part in the evaluation of comprehensibility and fluency. CVI ranged from 0.8 to 1, indicating the successful validation of the program's comprehensibility and fluency.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The current study's results indicate that the Persian version of the structured cognitive training program "NEUROvitalis" can be a proper, valid, and comprehensive tool for cognitive training in Persian-speaking people aged 50 years and above.</p>Milad KarimiPayam KabiriHasan AshayeriAmin Modarres ZadehAhmadreza KhatoonabadiElke Kalbe
2025-03-172025-03-17191Assessing the Reliability of the Dynamic-Index of Inspiratory Muscle Strength in Cardiac Surgery Candidates
<p><strong>Background:</strong> The inspiratory muscle strength is one of the important predictors in development of pulmonary complications after cardiac surgery. The Strength-Index (S-index), a novel non-invasive tool, dynamically assesses inspiratory muscles, which is associated with lower risks for heart patients than static tests. This study aims to investigate the reliability of the S-Index in patients preparing for cardiac surgery.<br><strong>Methods:</strong> This study involved 20 preoperative cardiac surgery candidates (11 males, 9 females, mean age 56 ± 13 years). The S-Index, peak inspiratory flow (PIF), and vital capacity (VC) were evaluated using the Power Breath K5 - electronic respiratory device. These measurements were conducted by an examiner at two distinct intervals, spaced one hour apart. The average and best values for each index were evaluated for reliability using the Intra-class Correlation Coefficient (ICC).<br><strong>Results:</strong> the study revealed excellent (ICC>.9) and good (ICC>.8) intra-examiner reliability, respectively for the best and average values of the S-index and PIF. Also the results of the present study showed excellent intra-examiner reliability for the best and average values of the VC (ICC>.9).<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The ICC results of the present study showed that the S-index can be used to determine the dynamic strength of the inspiratory muscles with an Acceptable repeatability in cardiac surgery candidates. One of its advantages could be determining the appropriate load in inspiratory muscle training (IMT) exercises, during the hospitalization phase of these patients in a dynamic manner without breath holding.</p>Bahareh Mehregan FarSedigheh Sadat NaimiSeyed Ahmad RaeissadatMohsen AbediParsa SalemiMahmood Beheshti MonfaredAlireza Akbarzadeh BaghbanHasan Shamsi
2025-03-172025-03-17191Effectiveness of Cardiac Rehabilitation for Patients after Coronary Artery Bypass Graft: Randomized Controlled Trial
<p><strong>Background</strong>: Cardiac rehabilitation is a program designed to help patients adopt healthy lifestyles. This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of the comprehensive cardiac rehabilitation program (CCRP) on anxiety, depression, perceived health status (PHS), and 90-day readmission rate for Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) patients.<br><strong>Methods: </strong>122 patients were randomized into two groups; the intervention group received a CCRP. The program was 12 weeks. Anxiety and depression were assessed using the hospital anxiety and depression scale, and PHS was assessed using the short form-36 health survey. The effectiveness of the CCRP was measured using ANOVA.<br><strong>Results</strong>: The sample comprised 122 participants, most of them were male (n = 85; 69.7%), with a mean age of 53.01 (±7.26) years. At baseline, the groups had no significant differences. At 12 weeks and one month later, significant differences have been observed with between-group effect of (F (1) = 937.69, P <.001, partial η2 = .90), (F (1) = 1036.00, p<0.001, partial η2 = .91), (F (1) = 14.73, p <.001, partial η2 = .13), (F (1) = 13.87, p <.001, partial η2 = .121) for anxiety, depression, physical component summary and mental component summary of perceived health status respectively.<br><strong>Conclusion</strong>: CCRP appeared to be an effective intervention that could significantly improve anxiety, depression, and PHS. Although the difference in the readmission rate was not significant, it may result in substantial rewards.<br>The protocol of the present study was registered and approved in PRS<br>ID: NCT06118918<br>November /2023</p>Soh Kim LamAli Suleiman HarbiPutri Binti YubbuSoh Kim Geok
2025-03-162025-03-16191The Effect of 6 Weeks Neuromuscular Training On Muscle Strength, Balance, Range of Motion & Proprioception In Males With Lateral Ankle Sprain
<p><strong>Background:</strong> Ankle sprain is the most common injury among the sport injuries. The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of six weeks neuromuscular training on muscle strength, balance, range of motion and proprioception in subjects with ankle sprain.</p> <p><strong>Material and </strong><strong>Methods: </strong>Seventeen patients with ankle sprain were randomly allocated into two groups, intervention group (n=9) and control group (n=8). Intervention group followed a prescribed neuromuscular training program; control group followed their normal training routine.</p> <p><strong>Results: </strong>There was a significant difference between muscle strength of Invertor muscles before and after a training in angular velocity of 60 degree/second (deg/sec) and before and after a training program in angular velocity of 120 deg/sec in intervention group (P<0.05). There was also significant difference between muscle strength of evertor muscles before and after a training program in angular velocity of 60 deg/sec and before and after a training in angular velocity of 120 deg/sec in intervention group (P<0.05). There was a significant difference between overall balance score before and after a training in intervention group (P<0.05). There was not a significant difference between ROM before and after a training in intervention group (P>0.05). There was a significant difference between proprioception before and after a training in intervention group (P<0.05).</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong><strong>s</strong><strong>: </strong>It can be concluded that six weeks of neuromuscular training improve muscle strength, balance and proprioception in patients with lateral ankle sprain.</p>Mohammadreza KaramiAliasghar JamehbozorgiParsa SalemiMehdi Rezaei
2025-03-122025-03-12191Cultural Adaptation of the “Language-Based Reading Disabilities Checklist” for Persian-Speaking Students: A Psychometric Study
<p><strong>Purpose: </strong>Regarding the prevalence of learning disabilities (LD) and its consequences, availability of a valid and reliable screening tool will help providing early diagnosis and intervention for at-risk students. Significant number of students with LD have a history of language problems, so it is rational to recognize them through a checklist entitled as “Language-Based Reading Disabilities Checklist”. Translation, cross-cultural adaptation, and assessment of psychometric features of mentioned checklist for Persian-speaking students were aims of present study. <br> <strong>Methods: </strong>Research team administered forward & backward translations, cognitive briefing, and evaluation of validity and reliability. Content validity and face validity were calculated based on Content Validity Ratio/CVR (critical value ≥ 0.42), Critical Validity Index/CVI (critical value ≥ 0.79), & Item Impact Score/IIS (critical value ≥ 1.5). The Kuder-Richardson-21 was administered to calculate internal consistency. <br> <strong>Result: </strong>In translation, two words needed to be equated (‘wanders’ and ‘rhymes’). Teachers assessed the checklist as an easy to understand and clear. They need about five minutes to fill the checklist for each student. The panelists removed two items with CVR ≤ 0.42 and one item based on CVI and IIS. The internal consistency of the checklist was 0.94 and ICC for items were between 0.543 and 0.885. <br> <strong>Conclusion: </strong>The Persian version of the language-based reading disabilities checklist is a valid and reliable tool to be applied to the Persian-speaking students in Iran. The applicability of this tool for Iranian students who are bilingual (Turkish, Kurdish, Lor, Arabic, and Baloochi) should be checked.</p>Mina ArminMasoomeh SalmaniMozhgan AsadiFatemeh Paknazar